Photo of Xiaodie Huang

Xiaodie Huang

Graphic Design
2022 Spring
Graduation with Distinction
Transmedia, Print & Editorial, and Branding

Beauty is in the service of the underlying meaning.

A friend once told me that my photos on social media are all weirdly zoomed-in, and I told her that I was seeing and cropping the world in detail to try and capture its more profound purpose. Having lived in multiple cities in China and America, I am constantly inspired and surprised by the world around me and experience the world by walking, feeling, and touching. These pleasurable discoveries have led me to not look at things from only one perspective. My design process values the ability to consider multiple viewpoints and untangle complexity without fixating on a single style.

Hi, my name is Xiaodie, pronounced as “SHAODEE.” A graphic designer based in Los Angeles, with an emphasis on identity system, editorial and spatial design.