Photo of Yi Ding

Yi Ding

Product Design
2023 Summer
Minor in Business
Graduation with Honors
Consumer Product Design, Design Strategy, and Industrial Design

Hello! I am Yi Ding.

Nice to meet you, I'm Yi Ding. The name Yi (艺) was chosen by my parents to represent a spirit of artistry they hoped would make me versatile. Growing up surrounded by art, I spent years exploring music, dance, and drawing. My passion for art naturally evolved, leading me to the world of design where I discovered my true interest – creating moments of delight for people.

Today as an industrial designer, I create meaningful connections between products, people, and businesses. Through empathy and innovation, I uncover insights that bridge the gap between user needs and brand offerings. I immerse myself in ideation, sketching, and prototyping to craft solutions where form and function harmonize. Ultimately, I aim to design human-centered products and experiences that bring joy to life.